Crocheted Afghan

As I promised, here are some pictures of my afghan (blanket). I wanted bright, fun colors. I showed my grandma, as you can see. I'm not sure what she thought of the colors, but she said "I'm glad somebody in the family can do work like this!" I tried to remind her of her daughters and other granddaughters who make pretty things. The pattern is from "Christmas all through the House" which can be found here. The book suggests making the blanket as a gift, but it takes so long I'm not sure I could give it away! Certainly no plans for that right now!

At first, I was ready to make another crocheted afghan but then I decided that I like the look and feel of knit items more. So now I am experimenting with knitting cables. I'm kind of frustrated because it takes time, but I will get over it. I bought a book "I can't believe I'm knitting cables" for %50 off and am trying some of the cable patterns in scarf sizes.

My first attempt:
I had trouble counting the rows between the cable rows, so they're a little random.

I told my mom I'd make her a blanket (I will make a blanket, although I don't know if she will get to keep it) . We like the one on the front of the book but I also like these: Lovers knot, Aran.

Granny Afgan

I finally finished my granny hexagon afgan! I started it in February when my grandmother was in the hospital and have been working on it on and off ever since. It is very colorful and fun. I will post pictures soon! :)

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